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While enrolling the devices, I am occasionally getting this message:

by (37.6k points)

1 Answer

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This error is apparently caused by the Android startup wizard bug: if there is a download error, you always get this message (no option to retry). 

To avoid this issue, make sure your WiFi connection signal is strong in the place where you setup devices. 

Note: if you see this error message, do not click Reset, but reboot the device.

If you aren't able to enter the QR code scanner after reboot by tapping the welcome screen 6 times, reboot the device again. This issue is not related to Headwind MDM, this is an Android bug.

by (37.6k points)
Also this error may be caused by temporary faults of Google services such as Google Play Protect. So even if you have a good network, you may get such messages. Just wait some time (some hours), the error disappears without any actions.
I have exactly the same problem. WiFi network is OK. However, this seems to be a problem with MDM, I am attaching a snippet of the log from tomcat9: - - [11/Apr/2024:08:16:51 +0000] "GET /rest/public/qr/f8fba6a3197ab92acd9b1e2c0b68264c?size=758&deviceId=h0001&deviceId=h0001 HTTP/1.1" 200 3708 - - [11/Apr/2024:08:19:28 +0000] "-" 400 -

The first entry is QR generation, the next one is a query from the phone.
Please check your configuration settings, the Enroll using mobile data checkbox may be active
Unfortunately no, this box is not checked.
I am also attaching the log from the QR generation:

Apr 11 11:25:11 mdm-motorol tomcat9[11595]: 2024-04-11 09:25:11 [INFO] com.hmdm.rest.resource.QRCodeResource : Generating QR-code image for configuration key: f8fba6a3197ab92acd9b1e2c0b68264c
Apr 11 11:25:11 mdm-motorol tomcat9[11595]: 2024-04-11 09:25:11 [INFO] com.hmdm.rest.resource.QRCodeResource : The base for QR code generation:
Apr 11 11:25:11 mdm-motorol tomcat9[11595]: {
Apr 11 11:25:11 mdm-motorol tomcat9[11595]: "android.app.extra.PROVISIONING_DEVICE_ADMIN_COMPONENT_NAME":"com.hmdm.launcher/com.hmdm.launcher.AdminReceiver",
Apr 11 11:25:11 mdm-motorol tomcat9[11595]: "android.app.extra.PROVISIONING_DEVICE_ADMIN_PACKAGE_DOWNLOAD_LOCATION":"https://mdm.motorol.pl/files/hmdm-5.26-os.apk",
Apr 11 11:25:11 mdm-motorol tomcat9[11595]: "android.app.extra.PROVISIONING_DEVICE_ADMIN_PACKAGE_CHECKSUM":"RyrECToFu0w_GUML_LkYavKqV6V2Cv9C4BeTW6ZIJJU=",
Apr 11 11:25:11 mdm-motorol tomcat9[11595]: "android.app.extra.PROVISIONING_WIFI_SSID":"my_SSID",
Apr 11 11:25:11 mdm-motorol tomcat9[11595]: "android.app.extra.PROVISIONING_WIFI_SECURITY_TYPE":"WPA",
Apr 11 11:25:11 mdm-motorol tomcat9[11595]: "android.app.extra.PROVISIONING_WIFI_PASSWORD":"my_pass",
Apr 11 11:25:11 mdm-motorol tomcat9[11595]: "android.app.extra.PROVISIONING_LEAVE_ALL_SYSTEM_APPS_ENABLED":true,
Apr 11 11:25:11 mdm-motorol tomcat9[11595]: "android.app.extra.PROVISIONING_SKIP_ENCRYPTION":true,
Apr 11 11:25:11 mdm-motorol tomcat9[11595]: "android.app.extra.PROVISIONING_ADMIN_EXTRAS_BUNDLE": {"com.hmdm.DEVICE_ID":"h0001","com.hmdm.BASE_URL":"https://mdm.motorol.pl",
Apr 11 11:25:11 mdm-motorol tomcat9[11595]: "com.hmdm.SERVER_PROJECT":""}
Apr 11 11:25:11 mdm-motorol tomcat9[11595]: }
You may have an incomplete certificate chain.
Please check out the article: https://qa.h-mdm.com/17753/qr-code-cant-download-admin-app