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Hi All,

I know others have asked this question, but I don't know that my situation is the same, or at least the suggested answers didn't work for me.

I have my hmdm set up with my domain, mdm.mydomain.com which is behind nginx proxy manager for managing the SSL cert.

I can visit my site, log in, get a QR code, do any of the things I would expect to be able to do.

When I scan the QR code, I get the error that the admin app can't be downloaded.

I am using HTTPS, my links are using HTTPS, I can download the links using the URLs in the application list to my server, and from any other internet client from my domains application URL.

I've tried 2 different devices (Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 and Samsung Galaxy Tab A) on 2 different wireless access points (my home's wifi and my cell phones mobile hotspot) and I get the same thing on each device and each connection.

I've tried changing the application URL from HTTPS to HTTP - didn't work

I've tried changing the baseURL in the tomcat ROOT.xml - didn't work

When I scan the QR code with my phone, I get the appropriate (or at least I think I do) link to download as it is referring back to my website.

Any suggestions?
by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Please unpack the QR code by some QR code scanner and extract the URL from the attribute PROVISIONING_DEVICE_ADMIN_PACKAGE_DOWNLOAD_LOCATION.

We know the following reasons why the admin app can't be downloaded:

1. The URL is unavailable in the device network, or a proxy server returns a wrong response.

2. When you're using SSL, the certificate authority (CA) bundle is missing (https://qa.h-mdm.com/7394/)

So the first thing you need to do is to try opening the admin app URL in the mobile browser on a device which is in your network.

Another option is to try re-uploading Headwind MDM APK to the web panel. This recalculates the checksum which sometimes helps.

If the issue persists, please contact Headwind MDM technical support (https://h-mdm.com/contact-us/) and send us the QR code.
by (37.8k points)