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0 votes
I have a new Headwind install on Ubuntu. I scanned a QR code on an Android 10 device on it's lock screen and I get this message:

Can't set up device

Can't use the admin app. It's missing components or corrrupted. For help, contact your IT admin.

Can anyone help me? Thanks!
by (180 points)
I should also note that my headwind install is behind an NGINX reverse proxy and that 8080 is the only port being proxied (HTTP-only instance). Does this change anything?
A reverse proxy should not affect the work of Headwind MDM.

1 Answer

0 votes

Please open the configuration details, MDM settings, and check the contents of the Admin receiver class field. The correct contents is:

Admin receiver class: com.hmdm.launcher.AdminReceiver

by (38.8k points)
The MDM Application is "Headwind MDM 5.15" and the receiver class is "com.hmdm.launcher.AdminReceiver"

They seem to be correct, but it still does not work.
I just setup a brand new install and tried on Android 11 on a completely new device but I get the same problem. Is it possible the app on your website is corrupted?
The installer has been re-tested, there are no issues. Please contact technical support for more detailed review of your issue: https://h-mdm.com/contact-us/