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I have an issue with APK management.

We use different models of mobile devices. Some models use legacy armeabi-v7a architecture, and some use arm64-v8a

Therefore, we have issues with some apps, for example WhatsApp: it cannot be installed on certain models (here is the diagnostics).

How could I manage APKs?

by (39.1k points)

1 Answer

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There are two common architectures for mobile devices

armeabi-v7a - legacy architecture for cheap devices;

arm64-v8a - 64-bit architecture for modern devices.

When the application contains native code (C/C++), you may need to upload two APKs, one for arm64 and another for armeabi.

Which architecture has my device?

In the device list, click "..." -> "Detailed information.

In the "Detailed information", find the "CPU architecture" attribute. The value will show you the architecture of your device.

How to find and upload two APKs?

The recommended website to find APKs for most applications is https://apkpure.net.

Find the desired application on that website, then click "Versions" on the app page:

Then select "Variants":

You will get links to APKs for different processor architectures:

Save the APK for one architecture, and give it a descriptive name, for example, myapp-arm64.apk

Then save the APK for another architecture and name it myapp-armeabi.apk.

To upload APKs in Headwind MDM, open the "Applications" tab and click "Add".

Upload one of the APKs and give it some name. You will see a warning message, do not worry about that, it just reminds you to upload another APK for a different CPU architecture.

Save the application and select configurations where it needs to be installed.

Then click "Add" in the applications list once again and upload another APK. Headwind MDM will automatically determine that both APKs belong to the same application.

by (39.1k points)
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