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related to an answer for: Setup kiosk to open the web page

1 Answer

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I'm not sure about that. Here's how I would proceed with this task.

1. Save a web page as a single file in "Web page, single file" format

2. Upload this file to a group of devices using the "Files" tab of the Configuration

3. Setup the local URL (file:///mnt/sdcard/page.mhtml) as the main page for the Kiosk Browser

Note that saved web pages are often corrupted while saving.
by (39.1k points)
The version of the kiosk app I'm working with is kiosk-1.28 and on android 7.1.1 it does not request local storage permissions so I cannot target a local HTML page.

Can you release source for that APK and/or can you release an update that requests storage permissions?

We want to "host" the kiosk locally.
You are right, the permissions to work with the local storage are missing in version 1.28! Since Kiosk is the part of Headwind MDM Premium, please contact the support (https://h-mdm.com/contact-us/) to get the latest updates.