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So what i am doing is running Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS Server on a dedicated computer. Made it have a static ip, and wirelessly connected to one of my two internet routers each with its own internet provider (one for downstairs and one for upstairs), and I am only allowed to do this with local/http no domains and all that. When it is only one network i can deploy and do all the crap normally with users connected to the one internet connection but i obviously cannot deploy or update apps with users upstairs. how do I make it so both are connected to the servers static ip so i can deploy and update apps for everyone
by (210 points)

1 Answer

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We recommend installing Headwind MDM on an Ubuntu-based virtual machine provided by any hosting provider, for example, DigitalOcean, and assign a (sub)domain name to it. See more details here: https://h-mdm.com/advanced-web-panel-installation/

We do not recommend using home computers or routers to deploy Headwind MDM even for testing purposes. Such configurations are unreliable and may cause networking issues hard to diagnose and fix. If you absolutely sure that you need to do that, we recommend hiring an expert in the network configuration. 

If you need to set up Headwind MDM on the closed network (LAN), please review this article: https://h-mdm.com/private-network/

by (36.8k points)