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i am just trying to run the .ems Script. the script was already there in the device . i have one apk application .i want to run this script form that apk application. so i tried via application setting like this

  • Application: Package ID
  • Attribute: command, runCommand
  • Value : I mentioned the file path like (data/andriod/test.ems)

But its doesn't work . is there any other way to run the script.???

by (250 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

There is no way to run EMS scripts. 

Also, application settings are not for running scripts, this option is used to configure applications integrated with Headwind MDM.

Headwind MDM can run shell scripts (the runCommand Push message), but they are executed with limited permissions.

by (36.8k points)
Thanks for your answer. and i am trying to run sh script its shows Permission denied. could you pleas help me can i solve the issue.
Executed a command: ./sdcard/Android/data/wifi/restore.sh Result: sh: ./sdcard/Android/data/wifi/restore.sh: can't execute: Permission denied
I think you need to use /Android/data/wifi/restore.sh instead of the path you wrote.