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I see a yellow dot in the "Permissions status". 

When I move a mouse to the dot, I'm getting the status: Access to usage history is not configured, and sometimes "Overlay on top of other windows is not available".

How can I fix this issue?

by (39.1k points)

1 Answer

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The permission "Access to usage history" is required to check the presence of unwanted apps and settings and block them.

The permission "Overlay on top of other windows" is required to display a blocking window when an unwanted app or setting is opened by a user. This permission is not available on Android Go!

Options "Access to usage history" and "Overlay on top of other windows" are only required when Kiosk mode is OFF. If you're using kiosk mode, you can simply hide the permission status column in the web panel (Settings - Device Table View, uncheck the "Permission status" checkbox).

To turn ON kiosk mode, please use this instruction: https://qa.h-mdm.com/1043/how-to-setup-headwind-mdm-in-kiosk-mode

You can also try to grant missing permissions manually (note: this may not work on some device models).

1. Tap and hold the key icon on the Headwind MDM desktop, then type the password to enter the admin panel. If you don't know the password, you can find it in the web panel (open the device configuration and click on the password visibility icon in the "Admin password" field).

2. In the admin panel, click the "Reset permissions" button

3. Click Back to return to the desktop. If Headwind MDM asks to grant permissions, follow the instructions and grant them.

by (39.1k points)