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0 votes
Hi, I have a problem with reaching the MDM server from within the same network, even with it´s public IP.

My setup is as following:
MDM Server IP: intern / NAT (domain: mdm.test.net)
All but on of my devices are setup remotly with the server mdm.test.net and working, status is online.
The one device is in the same building and therefore the same network as the VM with MDM Server.
Like written above, the Server has IP, my client device has IP via DHCP.
When I ping mdm.test.net I get a response, but when I try to browse to mdm.test.net I get a timeout, but only from within the same network, when I use guest-Wifi it also work.

Ports are setup like in manual:
80, 443 forwards to 8443, Port 31000 is open, internal and external.. but only external is working

Can you give a hint, whats wrong with my setup? Even I tried disabling the firewall and it doesn´t work, so firewall shouldn´t be the problem I think.

Thanks :)
by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The timeout error is related to the network configuration (it's not a MDM issue), in particular, firewall configuration. Make sure the firewall is configured properly.
by (12.5k points)