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I tried these solutions (https://qa.h-mdm.com/1714/failed-to-create-mqtt-broker-service and https://qa.h-mdm.com/5102/devices-updated-diagnose-push-notification-service-issue?show=5102#q5102), but the problem persists. I'm having trouble with sending messages using MQTT. Whenever I send a message, it says it's 'Sent,' but nothing happens after that. Also, when I try to send push messages, they don't show up on my devices. I'm using a tool called MQTT Explorer, and I can see the messages I sent there, but they're not actually reaching my devices. Can you help me find a solution for this issue?

by (120 points)

1 Answer

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Push messages (function menu -> Push messages) serve the purposes described in the article: https://qa.h-mdm.com/17024/

They should not be displayed on devices.

The Messages plugin (function menu -> Messages) is used to deliver a message to a device, a group of devices, a configuration, or all devices. Requires the Pager Plugin (com.hmdm.pager) application. Please make sure that the configuration you are testing contains this application. It is this application that displays messages on the device.

by (12.5k points)