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+1 vote

Good morning,

I have been trying since this morning to send push notifications to be able to restart my android devices enrolled on the MDM (which have the MDM launcher by default), in order to restart them remotely. MDM launcher has all possible rights in the settings. I tested the following commands, as well as the following link on the forum. None of the solutions work on my devices.

Can you help me ? Thank you !smiley

(I'm on the free version, and in the latest version (panel and launcher))

by (1.0k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Check if you can reboot the device in the usual way? (Devices -> ... (menu) -> Reboot)

The reboot will not work if the device is not in MDM mode. You can see it in the extended information about the device.
by (12.5k points)
Same here. I can reboot in the usual way and the device is in MDM mode!
Any solution?