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With my tests with HMDM, it is clear that the permission status for the device is enabled only when we set the device owner rights using the ADB command.

Reference link : https://qa.h-mdm.com/1411/how-to-enroll-headwind-mdm-device-owner-android-through-adb

Is there a way where the device owner rights can be given without the adb command? Maybe like inside the source code of the HMDM apk?

I am using HMDM on GrapheneOS.

by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

GrapheneOS doesn't have a QR code based installer of the MDM application. Therefore, you need to grant the device owner rights to Headwind MDM launcher in another way.

Check out the article: https://qa.h-mdm.com/14300/how-install-headwind-grapheneos-signing-agent-platform-keys

by (12.5k points)
Is there any way to bypass the adb command and give the device owner rights directly?
Another doubt is that is it possible to revoke the device owner rights using any adb command?