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Hello. Following the update of the MDM launcher, from version 5.02 to version 5.17, it appears that some devices do not take into account the update, because they were running at the time of the update.

No messages in the logs, I checked and consult your QA on similar articles. No error, because it's just the MDM Agent that does not install the MDM Launcher. The application is therefore well compatible, because if a manual action is taken, the launcher is installed.

It seems that the launcher update only works if the device is sleeping, and the "update" button has been pressed just before. If the launcher is in use, or was in use while the new .APK was being pushed, devices won't get the update.

I tried to save the configuration again, it is always the "yellow, attention" sticker that is displayed.

About 500 devices out of the 1200 are not up to date. Do we have the possibility to send back an update MQTT information, or do we have to contact 500 people manually?

Attachment : Image hosted online

by (1.0k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
The devices must update the application shortly after you save the configuration. The device state (active or sleeping) doesn't matter.

The devices may be not updated due to various reasons.

1. A problem with receiving Push notifications in an older version of Headwind MDM

2. Download error (should be reflected in logs)

3. Devices are in a network where MQTT port (TCP/31000) is disconnected

The easiest way to force downloading and updating is to click the "Refresh configuration" icon on the launcher desktop.

Newer version (5.17) should keep the MQTT connection better. Also it unconditionally checks the configuration each 6 hours, so the installation will be completed unrelated to any MQTT service issues.
by (38.8k points)
selected by
Thank you for your reply.

The devices are indeed on networks where port 31000 is open. Our server has port 31000 open as well.
Many devices update automatically.

We also have nothing in the logs, which looks like a responsiveness issue from our server, to sent the information.

Could one of the solutions be the push notification, with the "configUpdated" command, in order to update them remotely?
As it follows from your another question, you were using a wrong setting for Push notifications: MQTT protocol (energy saving). This option unfortunately doesn't work as expected and should be switched to MQTT protocol (instant delivery) or HTTP polling.