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I need to delete a file on a single device. Can I do that without assigning a new configuration to this device?
by (39.1k points)
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1 Answer

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Yes, you can remove files and perform other actions on a single device by using the "Push messages" plugin.

Open the plugin by clicking Functions - Push Messages. You can send Push messages to a single device, to a specified group or configuration, or to all your devices.

The following actions are available:

configUpdatedNotify the device about the configuration updatenone
runAppStart an application{pkg: "app.package.id"}
uninstallAppUninstall an application{pkg: "app.package.id"}
deleteFileDelete a file (the path is relative to the external storage){path: "/path/to/file"}
deleteDirDelete a directory recursively{path: "/path/to/dir"}
purgeDirDelete all files in the directory (optionally, delete subdirectories recursively){path: "/path/to/dir", recursive: "1"}
permissiveModeTurn on permissive mode (do not block anything)none
rebootReboot a devicenone
customSpecify a custom type a payload (this could be used to test third-party applications)Application-specified

by (39.1k points)
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I have tried to use reboot and nothing happens on device. How to make work?

Time                             Device         Type                   Payload     
03/04/2024 09:39:47    TAB-001         reboot
Please check that Push notifications are working by turning on logs (https://qa.h-mdm.com/1573/). You must see records like 'Got a Push message, type ...". If you don't see them, fix the Push issue as described here: https://qa.h-mdm.com/5102/  If you still get an issue, please post it as a separate question as it is not related to Push message topic.