Yes, you can remove files and perform other actions on a single device by using the "Push messages" plugin.
Open the plugin by clicking Functions - Push Messages. You can send Push messages to a single device, to a specified group or configuration, or to all your devices.
The following actions are available:
Type | Purpose | Payload |
configUpdated | Notify the device about the configuration update | none |
runApp | Start an application | {pkg: ""} |
uninstallApp | Uninstall an application | {pkg: ""} |
deleteFile | Delete a file (the path is relative to the external storage) | {path: "/path/to/file"} |
deleteDir | Delete a directory recursively | {path: "/path/to/dir"} |
purgeDir | Delete all files in the directory (optionally, delete subdirectories recursively) | {path: "/path/to/dir", recursive: "1"} |
permissiveMode | Turn on permissive mode (do not block anything) | none |
reboot | Reboot a device | none |
custom | Specify a custom type a payload (this could be used to test third-party applications) | Application-specified |
exitKiosk | Turn off kiosk mode on a device | none |
clearDownloadHistory | This command must be sent if the app is not being downloaded due to repeating errors on a mobile network | None |