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I'm trying to run app at boot because if I setting it in kiosk mode I lose the top bar (clock, wifi and battery status...).

My problem when I check "run at boot app" is that the application starts correctly but after 1 second it closes by itself (tested with multiple different apps and devices).

This is the log when device rebooting

23/05/2022 16:42:58.698Pablocom.hmdm.launcherVERBOSERequest location updates. gps=true, network=true, passive=true
23/05/2022 16:42:58.617Pablocom.hmdm.launcherDEBUGReset default launcher - success
23/05/2022 16:42:58.567Pablocom.hmdm.launcherDEBUGMQTT connection established
23/05/2022 16:42:58.229Pablocom.hmdm.launcherINFODevice owner: true
23/05/2022 16:42:57.332Pablocom.hmdm.launcherINFOConfiguration updated
23/05/2022 16:42:45.664Pablocom.hmdm.launcherDEBUGDetailedInfo: failed to load config!
23/05/2022 16:42:45.602Pablocom.hmdm.launcherDEBUGNetwork type changed: WIFI
23/05/2022 16:42:45.054Pablocom.hmdm.launcherDEBUGDetailedInfo: request for config update
23/05/2022 16:42:43.070Pablocom.hmdm.launcherDEBUGPush notifications enqueued: 15 mins
23/05/2022 16:42:43.010Pablocom.hmdm.launcherDEBUGDetailedInfo: work enqueued, interval 15 min
23/05/2022 16:42:42.882Pablocom.hmdm.launcherINFOMDM Launcher 4.17 started

by (170 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote

Headwind MDM runs apps at boot transiently, to avoid user's confusion. The primary purpose is that some apps needs to be in the foreground to initialize background services.

Are you using the Community or Premium version? If you're using the Community version, I can tell you where you can tweak this behavior in the source code and rebuild. If you're using the Premium license, then a custom mobile agent can be delivered to you. Please contact the technical support for more info: https://h-mdm.com/contact-us/

To tweak this behavior in the source code of the Community version, please find the method startAppsAtBoot() in MainActivity.java and comment out the piece of code commented as:

// Hide apps after start to avoid users confusion

by (38.8k points)
edited by
I'm using the community version. If you are so kind to tell me what modifications I should make, I would appreciate it.
0 votes

UPD: To prevent apps from pushing to background after boot, open the configuration details and set the "Autostart apps in foreground" flag.

by (38.8k points)