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Headwind MDM sends a request for changes in the configuration (and retries to download and install a new version) 4 times per day. This time can't be updated from the UI however can be adjusted in the Android application code.

The MDM seems to be updated periodically (four times a day).

How do I disable it?

And,is there any other time when the application will be updated?

I understand that the application will be updated in the following cases.

*When the device starts (when the MDM application starts)

*When notified by MQTT

*When the update button is pressed manually in the MDM application.

by (290 points)

1 Answer

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Periodic updates are useful if the device will lose the MQTT connection.

Despite the MQTT connection issue seems to be fixed in latest versions, we still kept periodic updates 4 times a day.

They could be disabled only by modifying the source code and rebuilding the app.

The interval is defined in app/src/main/java/com/hmdm/launcher/worker/PushNotificationWorker.java (CONFIG_UPDATE_INTERVAL constant).

You can set this interval to some large value, or just comment out lines 157-159 in this file (where the configuration is actually updated).

You are right about other cases when the config is updated.
by (39.1k points)
Thank you for your answer.

I am now checking the code in ConfigUpdater.
What if I want to add common processing after configUpdate completes, regardless of whether the result is TASK_SUCCESS, TASK_ERROR, or TASK_NETWORK_ERROR?
For example, start the browser after configUpdate is complete.