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0 votes

Thanks for your MDM software. Its very nice and easy to use.

Now I have a understanding question, because I have 2 exactly same devices but the one device is installing app updates automatically and the other device is always asking for it instead of installing automatically.

And I want to ask why? Because I cant find some different settings on the devices.

What did I do?

  1. Resetting the device
  2. Enabling developer settings by pressing 5 times the build button
  3. Allow ADB
  4. Installing the MDM -> adb install -r hmdm-4.02-os.apk
  5. Made MDM to device owner -> adb shell dpm set-device-owner com.hmdm.launcher/.AdminReceiver
  6. Open MDM & Scan QR Code of website
  7. Go through the steps which MDM software show
And then the one device is asking for installation and the other one is automatically green after few minutes/hours - so the app is automatically installed without asking.
Some ideas why this is the case?
Android 8 is installed on both.
by (150 points)

1 Answer

–1 vote

If the device is asking the user before installation, it doesn't have the device owner rights.

Please check the device output at step 5. On success, it will respond like this:

Active admin component set to com.hmdm.launcher/.AdminReceiver

If you see an exception, then the device owner granting fails. In most cases, it happens because you assigned a Google or Samsung account to the device.

Note that a recommended way to install Headwind MDM is to use a built in QR code installer (ManageProvisioning): https://h-mdm.com/quick-start/#device

by (39.1k points)
The MDM is device owner app. But I always see the grant permission screen when I install a new app through the MDM software.
So this could not be the reason.

Do you have other ideas which could be the problem?
How do you see that Headwind MDM is device owner app? You can check the status in "Detailed information" (click ... -> "Detailed Information" in the device list). The "MDM mode" parameter should be "yes".
I can see "All permissions granted" in MDM list. Its completely green.
When I click ... then I only have Application settings, Logs and Messaging. Nothing more.
You're right, Community edition doesn't have the detailed info option. Please turn on logging (see how to here https://qa.h-mdm.com/1573/ if you didn't do that yet) and check for the "Device owner" entry in logs. It must be "true".
com.hmdm.launcher    INFO    Device owner: true
Device owner must install apps silently. Can you please add a photo of the install request? I know that device may confirm sending an app to Play Protect (even if installed by a device owner), this is unfortunately couldn't be fixed.