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I am developing a custom Android application integrated with Headwind MDM. I set up settings as the "Application settings"

How to notify the application when the settings are changed on the server?


1 Answer

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When the configuration is changed, Headwind MDM sends a broadcast "com.hmdm.push.configUpdated" to every connected application.

Here's the code you must add to your application's MainActivity:

1. Define a BroadcastReceiver which handles the broadcast:

    private BroadcastReceiver configUpdateReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {


        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {

            if (intent.getAction().equals("com.hmdm.push.configUpdated")) {

                // Reload your settings from the MDM

String setting_one = MDMService.Preferences.get("my_setting_one", "default_value");


// Refresh your application and apply new settings





2. Register this broadcast receiver after the activity is created:


    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


// Register your receiver

        registerReceiver(configUpdateReceiver, new IntentFilter(Const.NOTIFICATION_CONFIG_UPDATED));


3. Unregister the broadcast receiver when the activity is destroyed to avoid resource leak:


    protected void onDestroy() {




by (39.8k points)