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I'd like to know how the location tracking function works, what can MDM provide?

1 Answer

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Headwind MDM Enterprise provides basic location tracking functions:

- Track the device location each 15 minutes

- Show devices on the map (Openstreetmap)

- Show and export the location history.

Notice: Headwind MDM is not the location tracking software, it is the mobile device management software. Therefore, only basic tracking functions are implemented. If you'd like to get more functions, you need to use a third party location tracking software.

To start location tracking: 

- open Settings - Detailed Information, make sure that detailed information is transmitted to the server

- open Configurations and edit the configuration. Make sure GPS is enabled and location is tracked.

- Open Functions - Devices on the map and select all devices at the left. You must see the device locations.

To view the device history, click the device marker on the map, and then click "Location history".

Select the required date span and click "Search". You will see the set of locations on the map.

Is it possible to get more detailed location tracking?

The device location is tracked each 15 minutes. This interval is considered to be a minimal interval of location tracking which does not affect the device battery. 

If the location would be tracked more frequently, it will drain the battery charge (and consume more server resources).

Therefore, detailed location tracking is not implemented in Headwind MDM.

by (39.1k points)
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