Note that if you're signing the package by platform keys, all permissions and even device owner rights are granted automatically, so you don't need to write any additional scripts (except #4 where you're trying to populate the DEVICE_ID).
If the package is not signed by platform keys, you will need to perform steps 2 and 3.
The sensitive Android permissions are stored in /data/system/appops.xml. There should be the following record:
<pkg n="com.hmdm.launcher">
<uid n="10126" p="false">
<op n="24" m="0" />
<op n="66" m="0" />
<op n="73">
<st n="1503238553601" t="1597652409034" />
These lines contain the sensitive permissions:
<op n="24" m="0" /> Allow drawing over other apps
<op n="66" m="0" /> Request install packages
<op n="73"> Access to usage history
The UID doesn't seem to be significant, seems like you can use any value (10000+x).
Non-sensitive Android permissions are stored in /data/system/packages.xml. The entry will be: <package name="com.hmdm.launcher"...>
The device owner rights are stored in separate files, see details here: