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0 votes
When I save the configuration, devices do not update it automatically.

Push notifications are apparently not delivered to my devices (MQTT service is not working).

How to find where is the issue?
by (39.1k points)
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1 Answer

+1 vote

Run on the external computer:

telnet your.host.com:31000

If you get "Connection timed out", this means you need to configure your firewall to open the port 31000 (or forward it to the Headwind MDM server if you're using NAT).

If you get "Connection refused", this means the network is OK but the MQTT configuration is wrong. Follow this article to configure MQTT: https://qa.h-mdm.com/1714/

by (39.1k points)
Also, make sure the "Keep-Alive time" in the configuration details is set to 5 minutes or less. Otherwise, mobile devices will go sleeping and break the persistent TCP connection required to receive Push notifications.