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I'd like to install apps silently on the Android 5.1 device. I know QR code based enrollment doesn't work. But perhaps it's possible to install Headwind MDM into the firmware?
by (39.1k points)

1 Answer

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Yes, it is possible. There are two possible ways.

1. Sign Headwind MDM by platform keys (use the system flavor of the source code, Enterprise Edition only). Ask your device supplier for the platform keys. If you're building Android OS for your device yourself, you can find the platform keys here: $ANDROID_ROOT/build/target/product/security/  More detailed instruction can be found here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51723768/how-to-sign-android-app-with-platform-keys-using-gradle  

2. Install Headwind MDM to the firmware. The location of the APK file should be /system/priv-app/  If the launcher still won't be able to install apps silently, you need to update the permission policies in /etc/permissions/priv-app file. The following permissions should be listed: android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES, android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES.

Note that the first option seems to be better because you're able to update the app, whereas the preinstalled application cannot be updated.

Another option, also requiring the firmware update, is granting the device owner rights to Headwind MDM by changing the system settings. More details could be found here: https://qa.h-mdm.com/2042/

by (39.1k points)