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0 votes
We would like to setup one server and have it operate with several smaller companies and they must be contained and not see other companies devices.

2 Answers

0 votes

Yes, you can setup Headwind MDM in multi-tenant mode.

To enable this feature, you need to run a PostgreSQL command in the database after the installation of Headwind MDM web panel.

# su postgres

# psql hmdm

psql> UPDATE customers SET master=true WHERE id=1;

psql> UPDATE users SET userroleid=1 WHERE id=1;

This must enable multi-tenancy for admin user.

To create new accounts, click the admin name in the top right corner, and select "Master panel". You are able to manage accounts and log in as their users.

by (39.1k points)
hello, what is mean API KEY and prefix when i want to add a new organization ?
This is a deprecated field. Just leave it empty.
0 votes

To manage customers in a multi-tenant mode, click the username in the top right corner, then click "Master Panel".

To go back, click "Headwind MDM" in the top left corner, or "Main Panel" in the same place.

In the master panel, you can manage customers and shared applications.

There are basic CRM features (customer status, type, description, etc.).

Shared applications are used to save storage and provide users with most common apps (messengers, maps, etc.).

by (39.1k points)