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0 votes
I downloaded the installer from h-mdm.com and installed it on Ubuntu Linux 18.04. There were no error during installation, but after I open the Headwind MDM web page, I'm getting 404 Not Found?

What I'm doing wrong and how to fix the issue?
by (230 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

The most common reason of this error is that Tomcat occasionally deleted the XML configuration.

There is a bug in Tomcat 9 which sometimes deletes the XML configuration after the update.

Please check the contents of the folder /var/lib/tomcat9/conf/Catalina/localhost/.

If this folder is empty, you got this case and need to restore the XML configuration.

Get the XML template from this GitHub link  (works for Headwind MDM Enterprise as well!).

Replace the variables in this file:

_SQL_* - your SQL access data

_BASE_DIRECTORY_ - the directory where Headwind MDM stores files: /var/lib/tomcat9/work

_PROTOCOL_ = https (or http if you're using plain http, a legacy installation)

_BASE_HOST_, _BASE_DOMAIN_ - your domain

_BASE_PATH_ - path-part of the URL (/hmdm or empty if installed in a root folder)

_INSTALL_FLAG_ - this file is used for first installation only, use /tmp/hmdm_install_flag

Then store the file on the server:


(the file name must be ROOT.xml or be the same as the path-part of the URL, for example, hmdm.xml).

Restart Tomcat to apply the changes.

After successful deployment, make a backup of the file to avoid issues in the future:

cp /var/lib/tomcat9/conf/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml  /var/lib/tomcat9/conf/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml~

by (39.1k points)
+1 vote

If you get the 404 error, this means Headwind MDM web application wasn't deployed due to an error. 

To check what happened, look at the Tomcat log. It is located at the path /var/lib/tomcat8/logs/catalina.out

Note: there was a bug in Headwind MDM control panel version 3.07 and below. It was compatible with Java 8 only, and it didn't work on Java 11. Also, the installer reported successful installation even if there was a deployment error. 

The installation issues were fixed in version 3.08, please download the latest version here.

If you keep getting 404 error, please contact the Headwind MDM technical support.

by (39.1k points)