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I'm trying to run Headwind MDM in kiosk mode, but it doesn't work.

I got a message from support that Community version doesn't support kiosk mode, and got a free trial of the Enterprise version.

I upgraded the mobile agent to Enterprise version but it still doesn't work.

How to check if my update was successful?
by (34.1k points)

2 Answers

0 votes

To check which version is running, open the web panel (you will see the device list), click "More" icon for the device, and then "Detailed information".

In the detailed information page, find "Launcher variant" option. It's value is master for Enterprise version and open source for Community version.

To check which version of web panel you're running, check out the contents of the Functions menu. 

If you see Reboot, Export, Import, Map options, then you're running Enterprise version.

by (34.1k points)
0 votes

Click the "info" icon and check the version name. For Community version, the version name will end with the suffix -opensource, for Enterprise version, it will contain -master.

by (34.1k points)