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When I tap Home, I'm getting a black screen with the following message:

Access to this app (com.android.launcher3) is blocked by the administrator. Click 'Home' to proceed.

How to fix this?


1 Answer

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This could happen if you do not set Headwind MDM as the default launcher and run it from the default launcher desktop.

  1. Reboot the device. You must get the default launcher running.
  2. Open Settings - Apps - Default apps - Home app (or Default app). There should be a selection: Launcher 3 and Headwind MDM. Select "Headwind MDM".
  3. Click Home. You must get Headwind MDM running.

However, if you're getting this message when tap "Recents", then you have to allow com.android.launcher3 in the web panel (here is the instruction: https://qa.h-mdm.com/1175/), otherwise recents will not work.

by (38.7k points)