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Once "Settings" are blocked, how can user configure WIFI settings?

3 Answers

0 votes

You can use any third-party WiFi manager.

We recommend using our WiFi manager which is integrated with Headwind MDM. 

Here's the download link: https://h-mdm.com/files/WiFiManager_v1.19.shared.apk

Notice: this app may not work on Android 11 and 12 (these OS versions support only WiFi suggestion API). It has been tested on Android 14 (Pixel 5), no issues were detected.

This WiFi manager can be remotely configured from the web panel, so the mobile device can only connect to specified WiFi networks, and the WiFi password can be preinstalled on the device.

Without the remote configuration, this WiFi manager just allows the user to manage WiFi networks.

The WiFi manager is configured by using "Application settings". Here is the sample configuration:

Package ID: com.hmdm.wifimanager

Attribute: config



    "allAllowed": false / true,

    "freeAllowed": false / true,

    "allowed": [


            "ssid": "ssid value",

            "bssid": "bssid value",

            "password": "password value"





Notice: do not copy this value to your environment "as is", this is not a valid JSON! Use the example below!

Meaning of JSON attributes in the configuration:

allAllowed: Are connections to any WiFi networks allowed. Defaults to true. 

freeAllowed: Are connections to free WiFi networks allowed. Defaults to true. This flag is ignored if allAllowed is set to false.

allowed: list of allowed WiFi networks.

For each network, you must set either SSID or BSSID. The password is optional; if set, the user does not need to enter the password to connect to WiFi network.

Example of a valid WiFi configuration:


    "allAllowed": false,

    "freeAllowed": false,

    "allowed": [


            "ssid": "MyNetwork",

            "password": "Secret123"



            "ssid": "MySecondNet",

            "password": "An0ther$ecret"




by (39.8k points)
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I'm trying to add a new ssid different from the one configured during the enroll but seems not work. WifiManager_v1.19 app is installed but hidden (I don't want the users access it) and I adding the json in application settings like example above.

EDIT: If I show the icon and run one time at least, the config is loaded. After that, if I hide the icon again, all the ssid that you add in the json are loaded fine, without the need to show the icon again and relaunch the app.

Can I install or do some setting so that it is not necessary to launch the app?
0 votes

By default, standard WiFi settings are enabled by Headwind MDM. Therefore, restriction of WiFi networks will not work, because the user can access standard WiFi settings.

To disable standard WiFi settings, open the configuration details, "MDM Settings" tab, and set the "Lock safe settings" checkbox. Then click "Save" to apply settings.

by (39.8k points)
0 votes
The WiFi management API used by this app is not available from Android 11 and 12. There's a WiFi suggestion API which suggests SSIDs and passwords to a user interactively. The user can however discard them. You can use WiFi Manager supporting suggestion API: https://h-mdm.com/files/WiFiManager_v1.21.shared.apk
by (39.8k points)
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