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+1 vote

I have a Ascom smartphone and I have a xml file with all the setting i want to put in the mdm server.

On the phone it has to be on location:

\Internal shared storage\Android\data\com.ascom.myco.oemconfig\files\Configuration

If the mdm server can push the .xml file to that location and then reboot the phone, the phone will import automatically config the ascom settings.

Can mdm server do this?

2 Answers

+1 vote

Yes, you can upload the file to the mobile device.

1. Open the configuration details, select the Files tab, click "Add".

2. Enter the file description (arbitrary text), and path on the device (excluding "Internal shared storage" or "SD card" etc). The directories in the path should be separated by forward slashes (Linux style). Upload the file.

3. Click "Save". Then click a yellow "Save" button at the bottom of the screen to save the configuration.

4. Return to the "Devices" tab. Wait until the file upload status becomes green. If the status is red, move the mouse over the red dot to see the details.

5. Once the file is uploaded, you can reboot the device remotely (Enterprise version only). To reboot, select "Reboot, lock, reset" plugin, and then click "Reboot" button.

by (39.8k points)
I have tested this already.
The mdm server changes the folder./files/configuration/
the folder configuration whas changed to a file and the file to uload is not there.
when i look in to the ./files/ is see ./files/
with in the ./files there is a document configuration.
so the mdm server change the folder configuratio in to a file.
The path on device should contain the file name, sorry it was cut out on the picture.
I included the filename inside the path but the file won't be on the device in the folder where it should.
maybe "\Internal shared storage\" is not available on all phones? I sadly have no idea on how to find the "right" path as my file-explorer app will only tell me it's "internal memory" but not a real path
How can I do that with the API ? I see it must use "config-files", but this is not documented on swagger, there is only web-ui-files and I do not see the parameter to indicate the folder destination. I tried to find it in the Firefox console, but I didn't understand all.
0 votes

I have tested this already.
The mdm server changes the folder./files/configuration/
the folder configuration whas changed to a file and the file to uload is not there.
when i look in to the ./files/ is see ./files/
with in the ./files there is a document configuration.
so the mdm server change the folder configuration in to a file.

the file configutation whas a folder
