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In my company we are planning to change naming scheme of devices but some of them are offline for over two years and are still using early 5.0 versions of hmdm launcher. I would like to save some time by not looking for them and just change their device number from HMDM web panel.

If I change device number on that outdated device, will it update their device number once device is booted and connected to mdm server, or it will be "lost" in some way?
by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If you change the device number on the server, the old name is also remembered, and the device will change its device number once it goes online.

To prevent the device loss, if you change the number of the offline device, you won't be able to change it again until it confirms the name change.

If you remove the device and add the device with a new number, in this case the device will be lost.
by (40.1k points)
Awesome, thank you for fast reply. Have a nice day!