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After I upload an app using /rest/private/web-ui-files endpoint I get a positive response

{ "status": "OK", "message": null, "data": { "serverPath": "/tmp/ ...}

But when I go to the web ui or try to list files using the /rest/private/web-ui-files/search the file is nowhere to be found

Where can I find the file and am I doing something wrong?

Thank you
by (160 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
The file upload is done in two steps.

1. Upload the file in the temp directory POST'ing it via `/rest/private/web-ui-files/raw` method. The method returns the temporary path to the uploaded file in the `serverPath` field.

2. Move the file from the temp directory to the required directory on the server by using `/rest/private/web-ui-files/move` method.

The body of this method contains two fields: path (temporary path of the file) and localPath (destination path relative to the files directory).
by (40.1k points)
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