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+2 votes

Dear all, good morning,

I have the HMDM Community version and everything is working well. However, when accessing the Detailed Information option and clicking the Dynamic Information button, the page loads, the columns are displayed, but no dynamic information is shown.

I would like to know if this is a configuration that needs to be done on the server or if there is any fix for this issue?

by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Please open Settings -> Detailed Information, and make sure there's a flag "Transmit detailed information".

Reboot the device to apply settings.

Please note that detailed information is not transmitted in the community version.
by (14.1k points)
edited ago by
Thank you for the response.
I have performed the necessary checks, and the flag to transmit detailed information is enabled.
I then restarted a test device, but it still doesn’t retrieve the information.
When accessing the Dynamic Information screen, the Chrome developer console shows this message:

"Skipping to query for list of device dynamic info dynamic since a previous request is pending. - deviceinfo.module.js:429"

Is there any log I can check to investigate this further?
I got the same error (running on 5.32.1 open source).
I also queried for detailed info using the REST API at /plugins/deviceinfo/deviceinfo/private/search/dynamic and it returns an empty response:

    "status": "OK",
    "message": null,
    "data": {
        "items": [],
        "totalItemsCount": 0

The "transmit detailed information" is checked.
Any updates or ideas?
"Skipping to query for list of device dynamic info dynamic since a previous request is pending. - deviceinfo.module.js:429"
This error doesn't seem to be exclusive to the Dynamic Information page, you can see it in all pages that list devices (for example the main Devices page)
I think it is prety harmless, in the code, when a search starts it sets searchIsRunning as true and if this controller is called again while the searchIsRunning it returns this error.
I'm also interested in getting this feature to work.
It seems that the data received is intended to be saved on the database table "info_history" but I didn't have this one automatically created.
Maybe, however I still don't see any dynamic information.
Here too, I still can't use this feature.
Please note that detailed information is not transmitted in the community version.