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When trying to add a new version of a long added app, we have started to see some devices show this error;

Install failed: INCOMPATIBLE, extra: INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SPLIT: Missing split for com.stuart.client

I have then tried to manually add the files on the assumption its an issue with the version between arm64 and armeabi but the same issue remains. 

Clean install on a new device also caused the error. 

Any one seen this error before? It could be this version of the APK causing the issue but we have no way of knowing that so hopefully there is a work around. 

by (140 points)

1 Answer

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Unfortunately we've never encountered this error before. Searching web for this issue also didn't give us anything informative. Probably the APK is deprecated or corrupted.

If installation on a clean device without MDM fails, I recommend you searching for another apk.
by (14.1k points)