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0 votes
Can I use headwind to include EFRP (the feature that asks for a Google account upon factory reset) on my phone as I configure it for the first time?

If not can I include it somehow using MQTT or installing something? If I install an APK it complains about not being the phone owner (because Headwind is theowner once it is installed)
by (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Headwind MDM is not integrated with Google services and can't therefore turn on EFRP.

I doubt you can't do it by a third party application, at least when Headwind MDM is installed, because there cannot be two applications with device owner rights on the device.

Also please see: https://qa.h-mdm.com/12466/is-it-possible-to-disable-factory-reset
by (14.1k points)