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Please explain the purpose of multiple checkboxes appearing when the kiosk mode is turned on.
ago by (39.1k points)

1 Answer

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These kiosk mode options work on Android 9 and above. On Android 7 and 8, kiosk mode is a "fully locked" kiosk (no one from these options can be applied, despite the checkboxs being set).

Enable Home button: Displays Home button.

Enable Recents button: Displays Recents and Home buttons.

Enable notifications: shows notifications in the left part of the status bar and enables the user to expand the status bar by swiping down. Note: this option DOES NOT WORK without Home button enabled.

Enable status bar info: shows the device status (battery, mobile network, WiFi, etc) in the right part of the status bar (it can't be expanded by swiping down!). Note: this option DOES NOT WORK without Home button enabled.

Enable screen lock: when a keyguard (screen lock) is set, it is enabled. If this option is not set, turning the screen off and back on returns the user to the kiosk application bypassing the keyguard.

Lock the Power button: disables turning off the device by pressing and holding the Power button. Note: this option doesn't intercept the short pressing of the Power button (turn off screen).

Kiosk exit button: enables emergency exit from kiosk mode by displaying a transparent key icon in the top left corner of the screen. Tap and hold this key to turn off kiosk mode (you will need to enter the admin password available in the web panel, configuration details).

ago by (39.1k points)