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0 votes
I have several Redmi A3 smartphones. One is running OS 14 V816.0.7.0.UGRMIXM. Others have been upgraded to 14 V816.0.9.0.UGRMIXM. The MDM Agent can startup automatically on the 14 V816.0.7.0.UGRMIXM after powering up. However, it can't startup automatically on all 14 V816.0.9.0.UGRMIXM phones. In all devices, MDM Agent has been set as default launcher and using the same profile.
ago by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Unfortunately Xiaomi devices frequently have issues with MDM applications, in particular Headwind MDM, also updating the firmware may raise new issues caused by firmware bugs.

We recommend to address this issue to the Xiaomi technical support.

To fix the auto-start issue, I could also suggest the following workaround:

1. Re-enroll the device (probably the default launcher settings were reset by the firmware upgrade).

2. Run Headwind MDM in kiosk mode (https://qa.h-mdm.com/17162/) as the kiosk mode must override the default launcher settings.
ago by (39.1k points)