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We have a few different devices all working well, so this wont be a Headwind problem im guessing. The Samsung Tablets and Redmi 9A´s work, we bought Redmi A3´s and this is where the problem started.

After Enrollment and install everything worked, but after Restarting the standart Redmi Launcher starts and shows up, i need to manually press the menu button and exit the menu again for getting into the MDM screen. Standart Launcher is the Headwind Agent. I will be trying myself to fix this but do you have any ideas what could be wrong?

Xiaomi Redmi A3 - Android 14

Xiaomi Redmi 9A - Android 11
by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I assume that the launcher did not receive device owner rights.

Enrollment must be performed after factory reset. The process is described here: https://h-mdm.com/quick-start/

Enrolling the device section.

Perhaps Xiaomi does not have the option of enrollment via QR code and you install the launcher apk as a regular application.

Please try this to give the launcher the necessary rights: https://qa.h-mdm.com/1411/
by (14.1k points)
Hi, sorry for the late reply as i have been waiting for the other A9’s to arrive, im sadly still facing the same issue. I enrolled with the QR-Code and the Phone starts up in the Headwind launcher, but after a restart it still shows the standart launcher and only after i go into any app or settings and leave them the hmdm launcher is in the foreground. I havent had this issue with the xiaomi 9A’s so im guessing this is a A3 Problem.