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0 votes

I have a Android TV box running Headwind MDM as device owner with all the necessary permissions.

I have allowed 4 apps: Pager, Youtube TV, Netflix and Disney+

Pager is the first app in the list and although I press Youtube TV or Netflix or Disney, it only opens Pager.

I changed the app order and made Netflix position 1 and now it opens Netflix only, no matter which icon I press.

Can you please advise?

Thank you!
by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
To run apps after the device boot, please do the following:

1. Open the Applications tab, find the app, click "Edit" and set the "Run at boot" checkbox. Repeat this for all application you'd like to start.

2. Open the configuration details, scroll the configuration page at the bottom, and set the "Autostart apps in foreground" flag. Save the configuration to apply this setting.
by (38.8k points)

I have implemented your instructions and the same problem happens.

When in launcher mode, no matter which app I click on, the app that is on position 1 as defined in the Configurations -> Managed Launcher -> Applications -> Order Column.

For example - if I set Netflix as Order 1 - only netflix opens even when I select Disney + or Youtube TV.

Do you have other suggestions? Also, if you offer paid support, I am happy to pay for your time to help me out.

Thank you!
Please contact us at https://h-mdm.com/contact-us/ and report the issue to get more help.