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hello! i am testing h-mdm to implement it in our small company but i am not succeeding in enrolling a phone.

As a test, I installed the system on a proxmox VM. We did not set up the domain, but for testing purposes, I used the vm ip and installed a self signed certificate for https.

I have managed to configure to get to the admin panel and show me the QR to enroll a cell phone. When I scan the QR, the phone stays on this screen and does not advance.

Looking through the logs, I found the following error in catalina.out

Do you have any idea? I searched for this error but did not find much information.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Most probable reasons why the device may hang up in "Preparing for configuration":

1. You have specified WiFi settings (to which WiFi hotspot to connect during the initial setup), but the specified WiFi hotspot is unavailable, or you entered a wrong password.

2. You have checked the checkbox "Enroll using mobile data" but use WiFi for the initial setup, or use a mobile network while that checkbox is unchecked.

3. The network doesn't have Internet connection (it may be required for Google services initialization, see more details here: https://h-mdm.com/private-network/).
by (38.8k points)
I forgot to past the catalina.out log:

[2025-01-29 15:27:37] [info] 2025-01-29 15:27:37 [ERROR] com.hmdm.plugins.push.persistence.PushScheduleDAO : Failed to parse schedule mask for month: 0

the wifi isnt the problem
This message is not related to the issue you're talking about. At that step, Headwind MDM isn't even installed on a device, so you must fix the connectivity error.