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Problem with my Application NFC READER.. seems nfc is not allowed

by (120 points)
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1 Answer

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This does not look like a ban on running the app from Headwind MDM launcher.

Usually it looks like this: https://qa.h-mdm.com/17491/cannot-grant-permissions-black-screen-access-the-app-blocked

By default, Headwind MDM grants all permissions which it is allowed to grant. However some permissions still couldn't be granted which may corrupt the application permission request flow. Here's the workaround we could suggest:

1. Make sure your application works without Headwind MDM

2. Try turning off kiosk mode in Headwind MDM

3. Try switching off auto-granting permissions (in the configuration details, set "Permissions for other apps" - "Ask user for all permissions").

4. Check the logcat and try debugging your application when MDM is managing the device.
by (12.4k points)
edited by
i will make a video ang post it here thanks
Please check the Permissions for other apps field in the common settings tab in the configuration details.
It should have the value Auto-grant all
did that already.

also i check restriction and its blank
I've updated the answer, providing some workaround. If the issue persists, please contact the technical support: https://h-mdm.com/contact-us/
1. Make sure your application works without Headwind MDM -> yes its working on other cellphones  
Also i tried it in chrome browser its working using nfc allowed

2. Try turning off kiosk mode in Headwind MDM - did that already

3. Try switching off auto-granting permissions (in the configuration details, set "Permissions for other apps" - "Ask user for all permissions"). did this already

4. Check the logcat and try debugging your application when MDM is managing the device. - no logs regarding nfc or scan or access denied