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0 votes
How does Headwind MDM work with Android's multi-user devices (which I think is different than multiple work profiles) ?

I understand there is a kiosk mode where a user can end the session and wipe sensitive data but I am after a ux more along the lines of a roaming profiles or logging in to a chrome device where session data can be persisted and different users can have different policies all on the same device.
by (150 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Headwind MDM doesn't support multi-user devices, sorry about that. In a concept of fully managed device, there's only one device user.
by (38.8k points)
Thank you for this clarification. If I understand correctly, Android is not able to have multiple work profiles, but Android does allow multiple users on fully managed devices. For example my kids and I use family link and we're able to have multiple users on a device.

Is this something that could be developed or is it an inherent and impossibility on Android?