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Good day H-MDM team,

We're running the HMDM server behind a reverse proxy and for now we've been forced to use HTTP Pooling because of this.

A solution would be to be able to set in the configuration a different mqtt hostname so we can then tunnel this hostname to the same server's IP but on port 31000.

Is there any option I'm missing or anything on the roadmap to bring it to OS?

Many thanks in advance.
by (150 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

In your case, HTTP polling would be an optimal way to deliver the Push messages to devices. 

Please note that a proxy server may corrupt the work of the "Long polling" algorithm by limiting the connection timeout (in Headwind MDM, the timeout of long polling inquiries is 1 minute). Make sure the timeout on the proxy is set as 1 minute or more.

If you still prefer using MQTT, forward the port TCP/31000 on the reverse proxy server to the Headwind MDM server, for example, by using iptables.

by (38.8k points)
selected by
For our application we will stick with HTTP polling, many thanks anyways for your insight.