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I have been trying to integrate push notification action listening into my app, but I haven't been able to do it. The solution I found was to create a launcher app so that when I send a "runApp" notification from Headwind, it simply launches my app and performs the required action. However, I now really need to integrate this action (which involves uploading logs to a server) into another larger app, so this is no longer an option for me because I have permissions problems to access that logs. I know that there is an explanation on the Headwind docs but I have tried and can't find a solution

by (140 points)

1 Answer

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The information about using Push notifications is here: https://h-mdm.com/push-notifications-api/

To receive Push notifications in your app, you need:

1. Integrate the Headwind MDM library (see details here: https://h-mdm.com/headwind-mdm-api/)

2. Connect to the Headwind MDM launcher using the HeadwindMDM class (see the sample code at the same URL)

3. Use the MDMPushHandler class to receive Push messages.

As a sample working code, take a look at the Pager plugin, whose purpose is to receive Push messages and display them in the status bar: https://github.com/h-mdm/hmdm-android-plugin-pager
by (38.8k points)