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0 votes

We are having an issue where the play store is updating via mobile data. Is there a way to restrict it without totally disabling the Play Store (if that is even possible)?

We would like to keep installations via APK configured on the MDM to still go through.

Thank you
by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Headwind MDM cannot manage the Play Store settings. I think even if Google Play's foreground work will be disabled by Headwind MDM, it can still update itself in the background.

There should be a setting directly in Google Play setting sheets which enables or disables updates through mobile network.

Probably your task could be resolved by using our URL Filtering plugin (available in the Enterprise version), but you need to know the domain used for downloading updates.
by (12.4k points)
Thank you for your reply.

We are already using URL Filtering to block overall internet usage, but that blocks for both mobile data and wifi, that's why we also have google domains on our whitelist.

Another question related to the URL Filtering plugin (we are on the enterprise plan from our parent company), users cannot open websites based on IP, even though the IP is on the whitelist (websites like local network or, more specifically, Is this intended behavior or are we doing something incorrectly?