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im trying to automate the process of uploading newest *.xapks to my instance with the help of provided REST API.

My instance is self-hosted ver. 5.27.2 in a docker container, behind nginx reverse proxy.

The steps to reporoduce:

1. Call POST on /rest/public/jwt/login with login password hash

2. Obtain token from response

3. Call POST on /rest/private/web-ui-files with form-data file: *.xapk.

4. Obtain data.serverPath value from response JSON.

5. Call POST on /rest/private/web-ui-files/move with JSON payload of  "path": path/to/.tmp_file and desired "localPath".

This results in HTTP Status 500 - Internal Server Error. What is interesting, if i specify other path than the root dir, let' say "/apks/", the upload will complete, the apk will be visible in web-ui but the response will still be 500.

Am I doing something wrong?
by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
To diagnose HTTP Status 500 - Internal Server Error, please check the log file (/var/lib/tomcat9/logs/catalina.out), it should contain more details (error details, stack trace).
by (38.8k points)