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I have some Samsung devices with One UI 6 and Android 14, the problem is that when you press the Recent button appear shortcuts to several suggested applications, if you press the icon opens the particular app.


This option, although it can be disabled from the top next to the magnifying glass “Show recommended apps” this is manipulable by the end user.


My question in question is: is there any way we can completely block the bottom three lines “Recient” button or a way to block the recomended apps option?

by (120 points)

1 Answer

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MDM has no way to influence the behavior of this button.

You can remove the recent button only in kiosk mode.

Kiosk mode is not available in the community version.

In the premium version, the button does not need to be hidden, because MDM does not allow unwanted applications to run.

by (12.4k points)