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Im trying to install HMDM using the installer located in the website, into ubuntu desktop 22.04.03, and im getting the error of "Failed to deploy WAR file". May I say that this deployment is done in an enterprise private server which has not access to internet connection, and we have to continue that way if possible.

I have tried already all the issues related to Tomcat9 I have found on this forum, and when checking if the catalina logs, I get mesages like: "fatal alert:handhsake_failure", related to SSL attempts.

In case is possible to set up and deploy hmdm without internet connection (linux packages are not an issue, since we have a local repository up to date), is there any way to bypass this issue mentioned?

Any help will be welcomed. Thank you in advance.
by (180 points)
edited by

1 Answer

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By default, Headwind MDM uses LetsEncrypt to generate SSL certificates. When you're installing MDM on a private network, LetsEncrypt will not work, so you need answer "NO" when the installer asks to use LetsEncrypt, and use commercial SSL certificates. See more details here: https://h-mdm.com/private-network/

In general, to avoid struggling with certificates on the private network, I would recommend you to use plain HTTP instead of HTTPS.

by (39.1k points)