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0 votes
The General and Language Settings page is not saving any of the changes - we want to introduce a session expire however the save button on my system is not working.

Has anybody seen this or able to advise ?
by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If the web UI is not working as expected, please open the browser Developer console and check the server responses for any errors.
by (38.6k points)
From the console this is what i see:

ipping device search since a previous search is pending Error
    at Scope.search (devices.controller.js?timestamp=4:271:90)
    at devices.controller.js?timestamp=4:132:20
    at Scope.$digest (angular.js:17836:23)
    at Scope.$apply (angular.js:18102:24)
    at done (angular.js:12082:47)
    at completeRequest (angular.js:12291:7)
    at XMLHttpRequest.requestLoaded (angular.js:12219:9)
locale.service.js?timestamp=4:106 Loading resource bundles for plugin:  push
locale.service.js?timestamp=4:106 Loading resource bundles for plugin:  deviceinfo
locale.service.js?timestamp=4:106 Loading resource bundles for plugin:  devicelog
locale.service.js?timestamp=4:106 Loading resource bundles for plugin:  messaging
locale.service.js?timestamp=4:106 Loading resource bundles for plugin:  xtra
locale.service.js?timestamp=4:106 Loading resource bundles for plugin:  audit
20angular.js:14199 Error: Idle must be a value in seconds, greater than 0.
    at angular-idle.js:111:31
    at changeOption (angular-idle.js:211:11)
    at Object.setIdle (angular-idle.js:240:13)
    at Scope.saveLanguageSettings (settings.controller.js?timestamp=4:238:22)
    at fn (eval at compile (angular.js:15126:15), <anonymous>:4:251)
    at expensiveCheckFn (angular.js:16213:18)
    at callback (angular.js:26592:17)
    at Scope.$eval (angular.js:17994:28)
    at Scope.$apply (angular.js:18094:25)
    at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (angular.js:26597:23)
(anonymous) @ angular.js:14199Understand this error
audit.module.js:166 Skipping to query for list of log record since a previous request is pending
devices.controller.js?timestamp=4:271 Skipping device search since a previous search is pending Error
    at Scope.search (devices.controller.js?timestamp=4:271:90)
    at devices.controller.js?timestamp=4:132:20
    at Scope.$digest (angular.js:17836:23)
    at Scope.$apply (angular.js:18102:24)
    at HTMLLIElement.<anonymous> (angular.js:26597:23)
    at defaultHandlerWrapper (angular.js:3546:11)
    at HTMLLIElement.eventHandler (angular.js:3534:9)
       Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()Understand this error
       Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()Understand this error
       Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()Understand this error
       Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()Understand this error
       Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()Understand this error
       Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()Understand this error
       Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()Understand this error
       Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()Understand this error
2devices.controller.js?timestamp=4:271 Skipping device search since a previous search is pending Error
    at Scope.search (devices.controller.js?timestamp=4:271:90)
    at devices.controller.js?timestamp=4:132:20
    at Scope.$digest (angular.js:17836:23)
    at Scope.$apply (angular.js:18102:24)
    at done (angular.js:12082:47)
    at completeRequest (angular.js:12291:7)
    at XMLHttpRequest.requestLoaded (angular.js:12219:9)
More specifically, please check the Network response for the REST request /rest/private/settings/lang. The status should be OK and the response body: {"status":"OK","message":null,"data":null}  If the status or body are different, check the Tomcat logs (/var/lib/tomcat9/logs/catalina.out) for more information like stack trace of the server error.