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I am using Headwind MDM with LetsEncrypt.

I keep getting an error 'Trust anchor for certification path not found' on my Android 9 device.

What's going wrong and how to fix the issue?
ago by (36.8k points)

1 Answer

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Since February 2024, LetsEncrypt officially uses its self-signed certificate ISRG ROOT X1 which is unknown to older devices, and since October 2024, their legacy (cross-signed) certificate is retired. See details here: https://letsencrypt.org/certificates/

Unfortunately LetsEncrypt officially doesn't support legacy Android devices any more. See details here: https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/shortening-the-lets-encrypt-chain-of-trust/201580

To support older devices, we recommend purchasing a commercial certificate by one of providers and install it to Headwind MDM. We recommend GoGetSSL: https://www.gogetssl.com

If the issue persists, ask the provider for existing cross-signed certificates for its root certificate and include them into your keystore file. For example, here's the list of cross-signed certificates for GlobalSign: https://support.globalsign.com/ca-certificates/root-certificates/globalsign-cross-certificates

For example, if your root certificate is GlobalSign R6 (untrusted on older devices), then add the cross-signed certificate 'R6 signed by R1'.

ago by (36.8k points)
edited ago by