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Hi, we did checked the standard solution of HMDM, but some of our devices are under android 4.1.2, we're getting errors in mobile app. Getting the source code from both server and mobile, Can we modify them and use it for internal use in our enterprise or we need the license for commercial use?

We're having some issues related to the debug and run the server in local env, but seems we need solve the first point about the license to modify the source code and use it.

Thanks in advance,

by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You can modify the free community version. Please note that the community version has limited capabilities:


Or you can purchase The Enterprise Edition.

The Enterprise Edition includes full source code (client, server, plugins), and the Remote Control module.

Android 4.1.2 is a very old version. Unfortunately newer versions of Android SDK and third party libraries may not be compatible with older versions of Android. Making Headwind MDM compatible with older versions of Android would cause the degradation of services provided on newer versions. You can try doing that by updating the source code of Headwind MDM Community (to avoid spending money for the Enterprise version), but I doubt it is even possible.
by (10.5k points)
Hi mdm_support.

Thanks for your comments, I've the following questions:

==>  "You can modify the free community version. Please note that the community version has limited capabilities:"
Reply: I know about the restrictions, so in this case, we want to know if we take the community version and develop our custom features, like our own tracking function by example, Is it possible using community version?

==> "The Enterprise Edition includes full source code (client, server, plugins), and the Remote Control module."
Reply: about this point and reviewing the code (https://github.com/h-mdm/hmdm-server?tab=readme-ov-file), seems like you explain, that this source code is partial without the MDM' core, that's right?

==> "Android 4.1.2 is a very old version. Unfortunately newer versions of Android SDK and third party libraries may not be compatible with older versions of Android. "
 In your support page (https://h-mdm.com/compatibility/) explains about the compatibility with Android 4.0, that is right or you have plans for remove this support?

==> " You can try doing that by updating the source code of Headwind MDM Community (to avoid spending money for the Enterprise version), but I doubt it is even possible."
Reply: we did try to do it, but seems the code is very complex to test and debug, we following the next steps:
1. After download, we open the folder using IntelliJ IDEA, importing the pom file.
2. Edit build.properties.
3. Open Maven option and check that all source is valid and compile (Lifecycycle and test each one) and seems it's working.
4. Using the maven project MDM server -> plugins -> site:run we get the MDM page about the software, but not the MDM welcome page (like the page after deploy and install)
5. Checking the source, we found the REST API that we think is the HMD core, under /server/src/main/java/con.hmdm/rest; but we don't find the way to test it.

Any suggestions or what we're doing bad?

Thanks in advance,
It is the mobile agent who's responsible for the Android version compatibility, not the web panel. The mobile agent source code is here: https://github.com/h-mdm/hmdm-android  The minimal supported version is 4.1, but I admit something could be broken while adapting the software to newer Android versions.
Hi hmdm, I know about the android version, thanks for it. About the last part of my previous message, is it the the right way for load the server project or like you hmdm_support said, we need the enterprise license to get the full source code of it ? Are we doing something bad?
Thanks in advance,
You can build Headwind MDM Community from the source code just after cloning the project from https://github.com/h-mdm/hmdm-server. You do not need to purchase a license. See BUILD.txt for the build instructions.
Thanks @hmdm, let me check again the instructions, I followed them but I cannot start the server panel, let me check it again and I'll be back as soon as possible.
Hi team,
We started to work with the android project, but when we tried with an emulator with sdk 16, the app crashed and we cannot build the apk, seems we need to change or use an older version of android studio; which version do you recommend to create the apk for android 4 (sdk 16)? Using android 7 the app works ok.
Thanks in advance,
The current version of Android is 14 (SDK 34). Android 4 (SDK 16) is officially deprecated 3 years ago (see details here https://apilevels.com/). Unfortunately we cannot help you with adapting Headwind MDM to SDK 16. You need to hire an Android expert who can do that.
Hi @hmdm,
Thanks for your response, now we're ready for run and debug the android app, but like you explains, android 4 (sdk 16) is deprecated, we have the doubt, if we purchase the license for enterprise HMDM, Will the app works in our devices with android 4 or not? Here [https://h-mdm.com/compatibility/] explain about the compatibility.

We're working with our dev team trying to run/deploy the app under android 4 without good results yet.

Thanks in advance,
If a trial version doesn't work, purchasing a license WILL NOT magically make the software working. That's why we have a free Community license which you can try to run and check whether it's working or not. Looks like the information in the link you provided seems to be outdated, sorry about that, we will fix the compatibility list.
Hi @hmdm,
Thanks for your response, we understand the point about the community version.
Yesterday we managed to run the mobile version on Android 5, seems it's the minimal version required, we'll continue working on it and update you here.
Thanks again,